Transition update! Styling has become a challenge!!!

March 19, 2014

Braid out puff!

Since I have more natural hair than relaxed hair on my head now, styling has become a challenge. I have tried twist outs but they did not look as good as the ones I saw on you tube mine was very frizzy :( I guess it will take a lot of practice!
My first twist out! (Fail)

Yesterday night I decided to do 8 matutas ( braids in swahili) as I finger detangled and moisturised my hair. The plan was to rock a braid out but I ended up wearing my hair in a puff because it was raining! I actually really love this look.


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  1. You'll get the hang of it. That puff looks good though, i love how big it is. Remember not to touch your hair too much to eliminate frizz

  2. Thank you for that tip! I think i have a weakness of touching my hair too much. I will try keeping my hands off and see how it goes.
