
Special Announcement! I am transitioning to Natural.

May 19, 2013

Hallo Gahl readers,

I have finally made up my mind to go back to natural hair, the last time I was fully natural was back in 1999. You are probably wondering why I want to go natural now. Well to make things clear I love my relaxed and texlaxed hair, I think it is beautiful and I have absolutely nothing against relaxers.

My hair texture:  bunned air dried hair.
 My main reason for going back to natural is because I don´t really know why I relax my hair any more. Before starting my hair journey I used to straighten my hair to make it manageable, now I have learnt how to manage it. I purposely started under processing my hair with the relaxer so that my texlaxed hair would have almost the same texture as my new growth and as a result, I can´t tell the difference between my new growth and the under processes hair. Now I am confident that I can handle my hair in it´s natural state just as well.
Another reason for me deciding to go natural is that I love the versatility of natural hair. It can be worn straight and curly. And I surely would love to rock a big fat twist out one day ;)

My hair texture air dried hair

I am planning on doing a long term transition, my regimen will stay the same. The only difference will be that I will not be relaxing my hair any more. By the way the back of my head, edges and nape are currently 41 weeks post relaxer while my crown is 16 weeks post relaxer today. I am so in love with the curls and coils I am seeing grow out of my head. I keep wondering how come I never noticed them years back and the answer is simple, I used to relax my hair every 12 weeks, which is not enough time to be able to really see your curl pattern. Now I have seen it and I can´t wait to be fully natural :)

I am so excited about this new hair journey and as always you can join me in the long term transition if you want to go natural but do not want to cut off your relaxed ends immediately.

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  1. Congrats on your decision to transition! Please keep us posted on your progress! :)

    1. Thank you Andrea, I am so excited about the new journey and i will definitely share my experiences all through it. Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. Glückwunsch zu deiner Entscheidung :-)
    ich denke seit Tagen ebenfalls darüber nach, dass relaxen aufzugeben.
    well, we will see...

    1. Danke Bebe, Irgendwann wird deine Zeit schon kommen, lass dir Zeit :) Ich freue mich schon sehr auf die neue Hair journey.

  3. i like ur progress u have much experience with every texture now and am sure u will make it also thru natural.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Sarah, I really appreciate it :)

  4. Congrats. And happy hair journey. At least you have the management part down so it won't be so bad. Keep us updated on the journey

    1. Tanky Beryl, Learning how to manage it was the biggest step. I will definitely try to put up updates as often as i can.

  5. You natural curl is gorgeous! I'm sure you'll have a beautiful head of curls in no time! Good luck!

  6. The journey never ends :) Congrats on your decision to transition. This past week i've also been thinking of making a change but when i think about how thick my hair gets sometimes...am not ready for that lol! Someday though. I love your hair's texture. I'll be following your progress as always :) HHG

    1. Thank you! Don´t worry, when that time comes then you will know what to do. For now just enjoy your beautiful relaxed hair :)

  7. Thank you, i can´t wait to be fully curly :)

  8. I have 5months of growth and I want to transition to natural. I relaxed my hair coz hairdressers complained often that my hair was hard. I have learnt a lot on taking care of natural hair from your blog and I can't wait to see my experience. For now I will do braids until the relaxed hair is all chopped off

    1. Hey, Liz do not be discouraged by anyone not even your stylist. From experience I know that those very people who discourage are the same ones who will be marvelling at your hair when it is healthy and full. If you need any motivation or inspiration I am always here :) all the best in your journey.
