
CANTU GOODNESS!!! hair products in Nairobi.

January 21, 2015

Hello y'all,

Hasn't it been ages!
Between taking time off to study,(which I am done with at least for now) and getting started on a new job,
and a new addition to my family, finding time to blog has been next to impossible.
Jo has however filled the gap well...Thanks Sis.

hair growth 15 months post relaxer

Last week I was in Nairobi Town trying to collect a few things that Joanne had requested so her friend could travel back to Germany with them for Jo.

I had to go into super cosmetics just to see what new goodies are being stocked
I went straight to my beloved last Isle and wooooow!I was blown away by all the Cantu Shea butter goodness!

Cantu shea butter goodness Super cosmetics Nairobi   

Cantu shea butter goodness Super cosmetics Nairobi 
Cantu shea butter moisturizing twist and lock gel Supercosmetics Nairobi
I'm sure some of you guys have seen and even tried some of these products.They have stocked most products specifically for Natural hair!!! and most prices per product are below Kes 1000.
Some for scalp treatment,some for twisting some for Co-washing etc....

Please share if you've used product from this new range of Cantu goodness!

PS:I'm currently 15months post Relaxer....Updates on my hair coming soon.

15 moths post relaxer. look at the difference between the relaxed and natural hair!

Thanks for reading!

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  1. Thank God they are here because i saw someone on olx selling them for as much as 3500 in december i had to send my mom some cantu products from U.S so it is a good thing they are now available at a very affordable price

    1. wow that is a really big price difference. I am glad we have an option now. thanks for commenting :)

    2. I love cantu products! I use their shampoo and grow strong treatment and they smell absolutely divine 😍 😍

    3. Thanks for the feedback Gloria :) you have a lovely blog by the way :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. the leave in conditioner is amazing

  4. I cant believe what am seeing there. Last time i was in Kenya, I bought the Cantu Leave-In from Nakumatt lifestyle and they were going for a thousand plus...am soo thrilled to know they are much affordable now and we can access the other products too....

  5. Halo which cosmetic shop was that?

  6. I chopped off my relaxed hair 6 months ago. Please advise on what to buy for hair growth and maintenance

  7. Shea butter is a valuable thing for hair skin. You can use shea butter for hair fall problem without any negativity to scalp. I found some essential points in your blog which are benefited for the people.

  8. My hair looks full every time I use the Cantu leave-in Conditioner.Absolutely awesome!

    1. Where can I get their number I want their products

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