
Hair Update: Longterm transition to natural, Gahl length retention challenge ends!

August 13, 2013

The Gahl length retention challenge is officially over and I would like to share what is going on with my hair. I decided to straighten my hair so as to be able to see if I retained length during the last six months and yes I did retain length. My hair is now a little past bra strap length. However, I will be trimming off a little of my relaxed hair soon.

shrinkage after blow drying on cool hair Vs straight flat ironed hair.
My transition is going quite well and I am learning more about my hair everyday. For instance I learnt never to go more than a week without washing and detangling my hair. I made this mistake last week and as a result my hair ended up being tangled and matted. I had too much shed hair caught up at the point where the relaxed and natural hair meets (Line of demarcation). It took me more than one hour just to detangle my hair and this also caused unnecessary breakage. The back and edges of my hair are currently 53 weeks post relaxer while the crown is 28 weeks post relaxer. 
wet hair texture. front 28 weeks post relaxer, back & edges 53 weeks post relaxer.

damp hair texture shot.

After washing, conditioning and de-tangling my hair. I moisturised it with my homemade leave in conditioner and then applied some heat protectant serum. I then proceeded to blow dry on cool air. Blow drying on cool air does not get the hair straight but it will make it manageable and you will not cause any damage to your hair. I then proceeded to flat iron my hair. I loved the results! it was so nice to be able to actually see my length because my hair shrinks a lot. Before straightening my hair I had a feeling that my ends looked to thin, but after it was straight the difference was not so bad. I am very pleased that I have not had any significant breakage despite having to deal with different hair textures.

My ponytail
 I intend to keep my hair straight for two weeks then I will go back to my lovely curls and coils. I do love both straight hair and curly hair so I will definitely be straightening my hair even when I am fully natural ;)

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  1. Great results! You definitely have more length. I need to post my results up as well, as I just used my heat pass recently I didn't want to straighten my hair again, I will get my pictures up soon! Great results!

    1. Posted my results, see them at


      Great challenge, please host another challenge!!

    2. I checked out your blog! very impressive results :) we are definitely going to host more callenges in future and your suggestions are highly welcome. All the best in your healthy hair journey.

  2. Beautiful hair!


    1. thank you! i am definitely checking out your blog as well :)

  3. great lenght retention, girl!
    I love your wet texture shots

  4. joanne i wud dry for your hair texture..am having issues with my which i dont know how to solve. i have uneven textures on my hair cuz of poor Relaxing..

    1. ohh thank you. i can totally understand what you mean. i was in that kind of situation and the only way i found effective to solve that was to let the hair grow out. but for the future make sure that your relaxers are applied evenly and also make sure that the timing is correct. otherwise you will always have the same problem.

  5. You have very beautiful hair. The transition seems to be taking you well. Keep on keeping on

    1. thank you, I am hanging in there. There are some days that are not so good but all in all i am really grateful for how far i have come.

  6. Your hair looks wonderful!! I wish you the best on the rest of your transition. :-)

    1. Thank you very much Danielle. i wish you all the best too :)

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    Keep sharing interesting post.

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