
Evelyn´s fresh start! I have started a new hair journey!

May 10, 2013

Dear Gahl Readers,

I've gone missing for such a long time, actually this was my last hair update, but to justify this, its been for a worthy and time demanding course because I went back to school last June. The biggest downside is that I got too busy that I neglected my hair journey. As a result, I ended up with very damaged hair. My hair was breaking  a lot due to split and my ends we so thin.
                                           Back in July 2012: The thinning had already began.

The length of my hair also became so uneven and for months I'd been too dissatisfied to continue keeping unhealthy hair.( especially being aware of how well Joanne's hair is doing)I resorted to a fresh and healthy start as at 28th April 2013. 

I texlaxed my hair just enough to retain the thickness that I desired. I cut my hair to a healthy neck length and that's my starting length. I have such a long way to go but I'm happy about a healthy head of hair and definitely about a whole healthy new journey.
Is there anyone out there who would like to take this new journey with me? we could keep track of each other share our challenges and just walk with each other. I envision a healthy arm pit length hair come December 2013.
I will try to do posts as often as I can to keep you posted on my new healthy hair journey.
Check out the pictures of my new hair!
                                                       This is what my hair looks like now.

Till next post, healthy hair journey and God bless.

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  1. woow, this is a big step to cut it back to neck lenght but i can understand you, for me its always health over lenght.
    so good luck on the re-start of your journey.
    i will looking forward your posts.

    1. Thank you, i will try to post my progress as often as possible.

  2. To echo Bebe's words that is a big step wow all the way back to neck length! But health over length any day happy hair re-growing!

  3. Awww, sorry you had to start over again. You'll get there pretty soon!

  4. So sorry that you had to start from the beginning. That can be such a disappointment, but of course health is always most important. Good luck and happy hair growing. You will get back to where you were in no time! :)

  5. so sorry you had to start all over again. wishing you all the best


  6. Hey this is really good. thanks for the pics. I am really inspired. I learned about your blog from a book that I bought recently http://amzn.to/1667uah. It is a great read indeed.

    1. thank you Tamiya, after reading your comment i just had to get the book. thanks for sharing the information :)

  7. I agree with all the ladies above - big step, girl you are BRAVE. I trust that you'll regain all the health and length you had previously in no time. Good luck!!

  8. I really appreciate your encouraging words and of course i wish all of you healthy and lengthy hair too :)

  9. I would like to take this journey with you. I too have been on a healthy hair journey for 3 years but due to jumping onto too many bandwagons and trying too many things at once, the painful reality is that I have only achieved NL from ear length. I now finally know what my hair likes and have found consistent products I like to use, and my realistic goal is APL and my dream goal is BSL. I wish you all the best with your journey :)

    1. that is great Grace! I wish you all the best in your journey too!
