
Little things that count.

September 13, 2012

Relaxed  ladies listen up! Relaxers are a chemical and how you apply or get it applied will determine how healthy your hair will be in the end.

 I have been asked many times how many jars of relaxers i need to straighten my hair and when i say only one or even less i always get amazed looks, the next question is usually how can you need only one jar when your hair is that long?

This made me realise that most ladies have their previously relaxed hair relaxed again and that is absolutely not good for the hair. Relaxer overlapped hair looks good a few days after relaxer but afterwards it looks very dry and damaged. This means that you should only apply the relaxer to your new growth only if you intend to grow your hair longer and thicker.

Here is a pictorial video we did on that some time back, it´s not the best video but it will get the point across. Note that the ends of the hair and the previously relaxed hair do not get relaxed again.

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