
Laying my edges down @ 5weeks post.

September 16, 2012

I don´t have that much new growth at 5 weeks post but my edges just will not lie flat sometimes, Yesterday was one of those days. So took my home made moisturiser ( water & Glycerin), sprayed it all over but not getting my hair wet. Then i applied some coconut oil and then finger combed my hair up since i wanted to try out a high donut bun like Aphro´s, I have always done Donut buns but they were all just low ones as you can see below.

So after smoothing my edges down with my soft brush i applied a scarf on my head for at least ten minutes and this really did the trick! my edges were down and behaving. I loved the bun ;-)

 Want to know how i make the donut for the bun? please click here!

Thanks for Reading!

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