
Hair update: Bantu knot out on transitioning hair!

November 27, 2013

I am still going strong with my longterm transition to natural. The crown of my head is currently 44 weeks post relaxer while the rest of my hair( edges & back) are currently 69 weeks post relaxer. It has been a challenge but I have found ways to keep my hair soft, conditioned and manageable despite having different textures. I have also not had any significant breakage. I have the feeling that my transition from relaxed to natural becomes much easier with time. The blog of my transition experience so far will come at the end of the year so stay tuned.

Yesterday was my washday and this time after conditioning my hair for hours with a plastic cap,  I decided to try bantu knots out as part of the gahl healthy hair challenge which started on 1st of November and will end on 1st Feb.

The bantu knots took ages to dry so i ended up sitting under a hooded dryer for two hours! They took too long to dry but I loved the results. This is my best bantu knot out so far 😃

Have you tried out bantu knots out on your hair? What was your experience?

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  1. Love the results! Just beautiful!!!

  2. Hey joanne my is very short on the one side and in the middle I thougt it could be tight ponytails that lead to this , do you have any solution 4 me ?

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  4. what product did you use to hold the curls?

    1. with soft hold so that the curls would not feel dry and crunchy.
