
Stretching relaxers: flat ironed hair at 21 weeks post relaxer

January 03, 2013

Straightened hair at 21 weeks post relaxer
I was really not planning to stretch my relaxer this long but somehow I have managed to do so, I will be relaxing/ “Texlaxing” my hair at the end of January so stay tuned for my relaxer preparations for the next few weeks. 

I decided to flat iron my hair on Sunday 31st of December 2012 after months of air drying. After clarifying and deep conditioning I decided not to blow dry my hair before flat ironing it, I air dried it instead and to my surprise there was actually no difference to flat ironing air dried hair as compared to blow dried hair. I guess I will stick to air drying in the future. 
My ends are still not as thick as I would like them to be but I am working on that, I will keep trimming off the thin ends until I am satisfied with the thickness.

I did however lose a lot of hair because my hair still had some tangles from the mini twists I had done the previous week. So 2012 practically ended in a second setback. However I still keep convincing myself that it will grow back and that every little setback is an opportunity for me to learn something new about my hair. I have come to the conclusion that my hair likes being left alone, so this year the only protective styles I will be doing are buns, braid outs and twist outs.

 It is really nice to be able to pass a comb through my hair.

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  1. are you 100% African?

  2. Tht hair is gorgeous gal

  3. your hair looks great. I did the six month stretch but my hairstylist is scissor happy

    1. Thank you, sorry to hear about your scissor happy stylist. Next Time Watch her/ him like a hawk and no worries your hair will grow back.

  4. Amaizing! hope this blog will help me to maintain my hair. beautiful hair, really...

  5. We will definitely help where we can. Thank you for stopping by :)

  6. Thank you, i will definitely check it out.

  7. Amazing.....!! Look at those coils and curls! Woooooooooooooooooooooow!!

  8. visit a good blog and full of interesting information that is happiness itself .... keep on sharing information

  9. I'm from south africa. I am 150% black no mixed blood line in my family at all. I went 5months post relaxer and my hair only grew literally like half an inch? Please help! Nomaswazi.madi@gmail.com

  10. My hair is really thick the last perm i had was 4 months ago what should i do to keep my hair straight
