
Trim at 14 weeks post texlax.

November 20, 2012

My hair had been giving me trouble the last couple of weeks, I was experiencing more breakage than usual. I thought a good deep conditioning would do the trick., so I did one and when I was air drying I realised that my ends looked terrible. And as you and me already know, the only way to cure damaged ends is to cut them off. So I flat ironed my hair and gave myself a small trim. I think I took off an inch and a half.

Here is the procedure I used to trim my hair.

  1. I combed all the hair backwards and help it with a hair tie at the nape.
  2. I added a second hair tie as a guide to how much I wanted to cut off and finally cut them off.

My hair looks thinner than it really is because it was a little weighed down, i applied coconut oil on my hair for shine and to protect my ends. The cut was not as even as it should have been but it will do for now.

Thanks for reading!

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  1. hair looks healthy oo.
    when r u relaxing again? n wat du u use to tame ur new growth?

    1. thank you oo.
      i would like to relax at 16 weeks post, that would be in two weeks. to tame my new growth i usualy bun almost all the time, so i wash and condition my hair once a week and detangle it under the shower once and for all. For the rest of the week i try to moisturise a lot and keep my edges down using a scarf.

  2. You did a really nice trim imho.

    1. Pls what is your email address Joanne?

    2. Joanne, I would really appreciate and love it if you accepted to be featured on my blog!

    3. sure i would be honored to feature in your blog :-) my email address is growafricanhairlong@googlemail.com.

    4. You've just made my day!! Expect my email with a long list of questions!!!

  3. its looks healthy as usual,,,think i should relax mine its 20 weeks now.
