
A Healthy Hair Journey in Kenya??Totally possible

November 16, 2011

Had anyone asked me about being able to find good products for a healthy hair journey in Nairobi just a few weeks ago I would have argued against the possibility of  doing so...I was more than amazed just a few days ago when I walked into Nakumatt Mega (Msa road) and of course went down the hair and beauty Isle...We've got it all Ladies..from Elasta QP butters,relaxer & shampoos to Wave Noveou  mists and lotions to IC Fantasia heat protectors and even hesh,Amla and Brahmi Indian Powders!!!I was honestly dumb founded or should I say over excited???Nakumatt also stocks some kenyan made essentials such as Glycerine and Castor oil.There is no excuse whatsoever for any African lady in this country to have a failed hair journey or should I say not to be in a healthy hair Journey at all!

Please Understand that Products do not Grow your hair and GAHL does not make nay products of its own claiming they will grow your hair!!Everyone's hair grows its only that we do not know how to take care present length therefore hair breaks and we appear to stay at the same length!!!
I have had lots of questions about hair products there you have it..Please visit www.growafricahairlong.ning.com to find out about how to use the lovely products you can easily find at your nearest Nakumatt supermarkets or Supercosmetics and other beauty supply stores and also to learn about ingredients you should definitely keep at bay!

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