
Home made leave in conditioner ( tip from chicoro book)

October 28, 2011

I have just finished reading the chicoro´s "grow it" and decided to try out her method of making a leave in conditioner. and i must say it worked great. This might help you if you are still looking for a good leave in conditioner. the best part is that you can determine exactly what you want to have in it.
a leave in conditioner determines how your hair will generally look after washing. especially if you plan to air dry your hair a good leave in will definitely come in handy. this helps the hair not to end up frizzy and dull.

Here is how i  made my leave in conditioner.

  1.  75mL of my cheap conditioner. i prefer to use a cheap moisturising conditioner that is silicon free.
  2. water about 100mL
  3. Glycerin and / aloe vera gel
  4. Oils( castor oil, olive oil, coconut oil and tea tree oil) at least a tea spoon of each. Note: Tea tree oil on it´s own is an essential oil so just use a few drops (2-3 drops).
I just mixed everything together in a spray bottle. it turned out very creamy and it left my hair very soft and manageable after air drying. i also noticed that my hair looked shiny even though i hadn´t moisturised and sealed yet. you can just substitute the products i used with the ones you like i´m sure it will turn out just right.

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  1. love the curl pattern you have gorgeous hair

  2. so your hair here is air dried too?

  3. @Esther yes my hair is air dried here too :-)i think this is the best my air dried hair has ever turned out.

  4. Hi, im Dee. Which cheap conditioner do you use? And doesnt your hair smell of olive oil afterwards. I once tried this and my hair stunk of the oils, i had to wash it all off :(

    1. Hi Dee, there are many good cheap conditioners out there it depends on where you live. one good one is the herbal essences hello hydration.about the smell: i use oils in my deep conditioner but not too much maybe a tea spoon of each. after deep conditioning i will just rinse the deep conditioner off and then proceed to apply my cheap conditioner. after this my hair usualy smells great no signs of olive oil or any other oil. alternatively you could try onle using a little bit of oil.

    2. i tend to get cheap conditioners that say anything to do with moisture on them:-)

  5. Hi Dee! Can you please tell how much glycerin/aloe vera gel you used in your homemade deep conditioner? Thanks.

  6. Oops, I mean to say Hi Gahl! I ask about your homemade conditioner because I tried Kinky Curly Knot Today and it leaves a white residue on my hair. I just brought Giovanni Direct Leave In and haven't tried it yet. Homemade is definitely cheaper since I already have all the ingredients :)

    1. Hi there, i usually put in 80 % water, 5% glycerin, 5% oil and 10% conditioner. i don´t really measure them up i just use my eyes and instinct.

  7. hi gahl, am confuse about the type of glycerin to use.if i may ask is there any glycerin for hair or is it the normal body glycerin around pls gahl i will like to know

    1. Yes the normal Glycerin you use On your Body is perfectly Fine to use On your hair :)

  8. But, do you need to rinse our it or not?
