
About me

September 12, 2011


I am a typical quiet girl next door on a quest to prove that African hair is beautiful and that it can grow just as long as other races'.Having had above shoulder length hair almost all my life, I was stunned to see black Women with beautiful,healthy and long hair.I think i believed like every other African that it part of being us - that our hairs are just that way~ they can't grow as long.Following the black hair revolution that has gone on in America for a while now I had to get in the wave and try what the ladies with long hair had been doing! If only i knew that sooner.my my my.After only a few months of taking care of my hair I am already beyond shoulder length headed for Arm pit length!What was happening to my hair was too good to keep to my self.I decided to start African hair diaries to just share with other ladies what is working for my hair and also track my progress. I do not claim to be a guru (not just yet lol!)But I am sure you can get one or two tips that will help you in your own healthy hair care journey! Be sure to join us at www.growafricanhairlong.ning.com for more tips on how to take care of African hair!

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  1. Frying your hair with chemicals that can melt a soda can isn't healthy.
