
Natural african hair and knots!!!!

11 years ago by Grow African hair long(GAHL) 13 comment
 Since ending my long-term transition to natural hair, my hair care routine has been very simple. I basically just condition my hair, comb every two weeks and shampoo only when I feel the...

Product review: Enliven gel wet hold

11 years ago by Grow African hair long(GAHL) 6 comment
This is my first product review in a very long time! I would like to review the Enliven hair gel wet hold (2). I am guessing that the higher up the scheme you...

Month one Gahl length retention challenge

11 years ago by Grow African hair long(GAHL) 1 comment
It has been a little over a month and the Gahl length retention challenge is on!!! I know I have not shared much about the challenge so far, but I promise that this post will...